Photo of Leonardo Denoda Uruguay

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Leonardo Denoda Was Born in Montevideo (Uruguay) in 1986. In Italy Makes studies of literature and history of art at the Universities of Parma and Genoa. He exhibits in Art Foundations, Museums and Galleries. Actually Denoda lives and works in Athens.

Main exhibitions

Presentation of the Fausto Melotti's exhibition - Il Sipario Gallery (Parma 2006)

International collective...

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Photo of Leonardo Denoda Uruguay


Leonardo Denoda Was Born in Montevideo (Uruguay) in 1986. In Italy Makes studies of literature and history of art at the Universities of Parma and Genoa. He exhibits in Art Foundations, Museums and Galleries. Actually Denoda lives and works in Athens.

Main exhibitions

Presentation of the Fausto Melotti's exhibition - Il Sipario Gallery (Parma 2006)

International collective exhibition "Black in White" - Foundation of Art Remo Gaibazzi (Parma 2007)

International prize "Artemisia" - publication on the official catalog (Ancona 2007)

International collective exhibition "Cross Over II" - Santa Margherita Palace in Collaboration with the "Guidi & Schoen" Gallery (Genoa 2007)

Monographic exhibition at the Museum of Art of San Jose de Mayo (Uruguay 2008)

Monographic exhibition at the Museum of Cabildo in Montevideo (Uruguay 2008)

Presentation of the Mario Sironi's exhibition - Il Sipario Gallery (Parma 2008)

Monographic exhibition "Specula Dantis" - medieval cloister of the abbey Saint Mathew (Genoa 2008)

Art Fair of Reggio Emilia with the Contemporary Art Gallery "Il Sipario" (Reggio Emilia 2008)

International collective exhibition - "Studio 44" Gallery (Genoa 2008)

Collective exhibition - Modern Art Centre of Pisa (Pisa 2009)

Public exhibition "Our North is the South" - Fogazzaro Palace of Schio (Vicenza 2009)

Scenery for the show of Jacopo Sabar Giacchino - "Claque," "Teatro della Tosse" Theatre (Genoa 2009)

Monographic exhibition - Contemporary Art Gallery "Il Cancello" (Genoa 2009)

Public exhibition "Our North is the South" - Palazzo della Gran Guardia of Verona (Verona 2009)

Collective exhibition at the Contemporary Art Gallery "Il Sipario" (Parma 2009)

Collective exhibition at the EPASK - Cultural Centre of the Academy of Fine Arts of Athens (Athens 2009)

Mono exhibition "Specula Dantis" during START Genoa 09 - "Il Cancello" Gallery (Genova 2009)

Collective exhibition "Arsacra" - Cultural Centre "the multiseriate rays (Novara 2009)

Art Fair of Reggio Emilia - "Il Sipario" Gallery (Reggio Emilia 2009)

Next Exhibitions

Dantis Specula Monographic exhibition - "10 Gallery" (Athens 2010)

Public exhibition "Americas", contemporary art of the American continent - "Technopolis" (Athens 2010)

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